Powerware Model V-2000B Power Supply User Manual

64 = Advanced Playlisting
FTP Transfer of As-Run Log
The As-Run logging function within Advanced Playlisting can be turned on or off. In the
Playlist window, select Options>As Run. When the playlist is run, all clips played, clipped
or skipped are logged to a text file.
The file is accessed by logging on to the Image Server’s FTP service and opening the folder
AsRun. The As-Run log contained in it can be transferred from an Image Server to another
computer using standard FTP transfer tools. The FTP window can be treated like any other
Windows Explorer window.
Using Microsoft Internet Explorer, FTP into the Image Server. A folder named “asrun” will
be listed in the Directory Contents. To copy the As-Run log to you computer, double click
on the ‘asrun’ folder.
Figure 18: Screen Shot of As-Run Folder in Image Server Directory