Powerware Model V-2000B Power Supply User Manual

Hard Disk Management = 89
The RAID CHECK STATUS window (Figure 22) displays the current status of the RAID
controller and all disks connected to the RAID system. On inspection, you will find the array
in one of the following states:
OK, indicated by "OK" for Array Unit 0 and all Ports (drives);
Initializing, indicated by "Initializing" on the Array Unit 0 status line;
Degraded, indicated by "Degraded" on the Array Unit 0 status line;
Rebuilding, indicated by "Rebuilding x%" on the Array Unit 0 status line.
Initializing is the way that the array controller corrects data parity errors that may have occurred
because of power loss, incorrect shutdown, or some other data error. Upon detection of a
parity error, the controller will automatically start the initialization process as a background
task. This task should not interfere with Image Server’s ability to record or play clips.
Parity errors may occur if the Image Server loses power, or is improperly shut off. No data will
be lost, but the parity reinitialization process may take several hours. NEVER use the rear panel
power supply switch to shutdown the Image Server. Shutdown the system only by
momentarily pressing the front panel power button or selecting Start > Shutdown >
Shutdown from the graphic user interface.
A degraded array with a drive listed as “Not In Service” or “Inaccessible” is usually indicative of
a permanent drive error, typically a single disk or cable failure, but redundant data will allow
normal operations to continue. You may first try to rebuild the array with the existing drive still
installed. If the array continues to indicate a failed drive, replace the drive and then rebuild the
array. A hard disk array must be repaired using exactly the same drive model and capacity as
other drives in the array. Because specific drive model become unavailable as time goes on,
360 Systems recommends that maintenance spares be purchased at the same time as the Image