Powerware Model V-2000B Power Supply User Manual

Advanced Playlisting = 61
Enable one or more desired GPI outputs, numbers 1 to 6, by checking its checkbox.
Select the GPO Offset with the mouse or by using the arrow keys on the keyboard (see
GPIO Editor Keyboard Shortcuts below). The Offset is a positive time value that determines
how long after the beginning of a clip its GPI output will become active.
Select the GPO Duration by using the mouse or the arrow keys.
Repeat the steps above for every output to be configured. Click the Apply button to make
the changes active and close the window.
GPI Output Editor Keyboard Shortcuts
Tab Cycles the keyboard focus through all buttons and numeric windows. On the GUI
each button, or other item that can be controlled by a keyboard command, will
appear surrounded by a dotted line.
Right Arrow Same as Tab, except it will also advance through individual timecode fields.
Left Arrow Same as Right Arrow, except it cycles in the opposite direction.
Up Arrow Increments the hours, minutes, seconds or frames field of a timecode window when
it has the keyboard focus.
Down Arrow Decrements the hours, minutes, seconds or frames field of a timecode window
when it has the keyboard focus.
Enter Toggles the enabled/disabled state of a GPI output. This is the equivalent of
checking or un-checking the Enabled checkbox.
Programming GPI Inputs
The Image Server also provides six programmable GPI inputs, which can be used to initiate
playback of playlists, individual clips, and multiple groups of clips. Collectively, the server’s GPI
inputs and outputs present a powerful and universal interface to switchers, character generators
and other equipment.
Instructions for programming GPI inputs will be found in the System Configuration chapter.
Playlist Window Keyboard Shortcuts
Tab Cycles the keyboard focus through all buttons and numeric fields.
E Toggle Edit checkbox
P / Space PLAY