Chapter 4 System Setup 31
Setting up the Communication Interface
PI-SCX camera systems require either an installed Princeton Instruments (RSPI) PCI
card or an installed USB2.0 interface card in the host computer. The type of interface
card is dictated by the Interface Control Module installed in the ST-133 controller.
Setting up a PCI Interface
Administrator privileges are required under Windows
XP and Windows Vista
(32-bit) to install software and hardware.
A Princeton Instruments (RSPI) PCI card must be installed in the host computer if
the communication between computer and controller uses the TAXI protocol (i.e., the
Interface Control Module installed in the ST-133 has a 9-pin SERIAL COM
connector as shown in the figure at right). With TAXI protocol, the standard cable
provided with an ST-133 is 7.6 meters (25 feet). Cable lengths up to 50 meters
(164 feet) are available and the digitization rate may be as high as 2 MHz.
A computer purchased from Princeton Instruments will be shipped with the PCI card
already installed. Otherwise, a PCI card will be shipped with the system and you will
have to install it in the host computer at your location.
Note: The PCI card can be installed and operated in any Macintosh having a PCI
bus, allowing the ST-133 to be controlled from the Macintosh via IPLab™
software and the PI Extension.
If using WinX software, select either High Speed PCI or PCI(Timer) as the Interface
type. This selection is accessed on the Hardware Setup|Interface tab. High Speed
PCI allows data transfer to be interrupt-driven and gives the highest performance in some
situations. PCI(Timer) allows data transfer to be controlled by a polling timer. This
selection is recommended when there are multiple devices sharing the same interrupt.
To Install a PCI Serial Buffer Card in the Host Computer:
1. Review the documentation for your computer and PCI card before continuing
with this installation.
2. To avoid risk of dangerous electrical shock and damage to the computer, verify
that the computer power is OFF.
3. Remove the computer cover and verify that there is an available PCI slot.
4. Install the PCI card in the slot.
5. Make sure that the card is firmly seated and secure it.
6. Replace and secure the computer cover and turn on the computer only. If an error
occurs at bootup, either the PCI card was not installed properly or there is an address
or interrupt conflict. Refer to Chapter 9 "Troubleshooting", page 76 for instructions.
Note: The PCI card has no user-changeable jumpers or switches.