Chapter 7 Troubleshooting 79
No CCD Named in the Hardware Wizard:CCD dialog
(Versions and earlier)
Figure 43. Hardware Wizard: Detector/Camera/CCD dialog
If you have installed a USB 2.0 Interface Module in your ST-133, a blank field may be
displayed in the Detector/Camera/CCD dialog (Figure 43) if the ST-133 controller was
made before January 2001. Earlier versions of the ST-133 did not contain non-volatile
RAM (NVRAM), which is programmed with information about the controller and the
camera. PVCAM, the program under which the Princeton Instruments USB works,
retrieves the information stored in NVRAM so it can enter specific camera characteristics
into WinView/32.
Check the serial label on underside of your controller. If the first five characters are
D1200 (December 2000) or earlier (J0797 or July 1997, for example), contact Customer
Support to find out about an NVRAM controller upgrade.
Program Error message
Figure 44. Program Error dialog
This dialog may appear if you have tried to acquire a test image, acquire data, or run in
focusing mode and the DMA buffer size is too small. A large array (for example, a
2048x2048 array), requires a larger setting than that for a smaller array (for example, a
512x512 array).
To correct the problem:
1. Click on OK.
2. Reboot the WinX application.
3. Note the array size (on the Setup|Hardware|Controller/CCD tab or the
Acquisition|Experiment Setup|Main tab Full Chip dimensions). If your
camera contains a large array (such as a 2048x2048 array), and the DMA buffer
size is too small, there will not be enough space in memory for the data set.
4. Open Setup|Environment|Environment dialog.
5. Increase the DMA buffer size to a minimum of 32 Mb (64 Mb if it is currently
32 Mb or 128 Mb if it is currently 64 Mb), click on OK, and close the WinX