98 PI-SCX System Manual Version 2.E
A laboratory-type vacuum pump capable of achieving absolute pressures below
10 mTorr.
Your vacuum system must have a trap (ideally cryogenic) placed between the camera and
the pump to prevent contamination due to oil backstreaming from the pump.
5/16 hex torque wrench for tightening the Indium-tipped Vacuum Seal.
A new Indium-tipped Vacuum Seal (PI #2550-0352). A new seal will only be
required if the camera has been repumped a number of times and the original seal is
no longer able to maintain vacuum.
Pumping Procedure
Wait at least two hours after the camera was last operated before proceeding. This is
necessary so that the CCD can warm to ambient before being opened to the atmosphere.
If opened when still cold, potentially harmful condensation could form on the CCD.
Preliminary Steps
1. Turn off the system power and disconnect all cables.
2. Apply a light coating of high-quality vacuum grease such as Apiezon M to the O-
ring on the Vacuum Pumping Fitting supplied with the system.
3. Remove the cap from the vacuum access port at the top of the camera.
4. Insert the end of the Vacuum Pumping Fitting into the port at the top of the
camera to where the threads can be engaged. Then tighten it down. Finger tight is
sufficient. The greased O-ring makes the seal.
5. Connect the vacuum hose from the pump to the ¼ fitting at the end of the
Vacuum Pumping fitting and clamp the hose connection securely.
6. If you are going to reuse the currently installed Indium-tipped Vacuum Seal,
turn on the vacuum pump. Then:
Using the 5/16 hex torque wrench, rotate the Indium-tipped Vacuum Seal
two full revolutions counterclockwise, just enough to unseal the vacuum.
Perform the steps outlined in the "Pumping Down" section, located on the
following page.
7. If you are going to install a new Indium-tipped Vacuum Seal, do not turn on the
pump. Instead, perform the steps outlined in the section titled "Installing a New
Vacuum Seal", which follows the "Pumping Down" section.