Q-Logic 3000 Network Card User Manual

6–Linux Driver Installation and Configuration
Preparing for QLogic Adapter Driver Installation
NE0154601-00 A 6-5
When the QLogic RPM binary package is installed, the inbox kernel GPL driver
(netxen_nic.ko) is blacklisted. Consequently, when the system is powered up,
the netxen_nic.ko driver will not load. To prevent this from happening, you can
execute the RPM erase command (rpm -e nx_nic-[version]
), which will
remove the QLogic RPM binary package so that the blacklisting will revert back to
the prior setting and the netxen_nic.ko driver will load when the system is
powered up.
To check if the inbox kernel GPL driver has been installed on the system, check
the /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/kernel/net/netxen directory for
the netxen_nic.ko driver. Remove or rename this file, and then reboot.
Alternately, uninstall the driver by typing the following command before continuing
with the following steps in this section.
% rmmod netxen_nic
The following sections describe how to install a new driver.
Preparing for QLogic Adapter Driver Installation
Check for prior versions of the QLogic adapter driver and tools. Remove the
packages from the system to prepare for installing the new release.
Use RPM to check for prior packages. For example, type:
% rpm -qa | grep nx_
Look for output similar to the following:
Remove each of the prior packages by typing the following commands:
% rpm -e nx_nic-[prior_version]
% rpm -e nx_tools-[prior_version]
QLogic Adapter Driver Installation (RPM Format)
The following sections describe how to install the Linux driver in RPM format,
create the binary, install the binary, and install the QLogic tools.
Install the Linux Driver Source in RPM Format
Type the following command to install the Linux driver RPM source:
% rpm -iv nx_nic-[version].src.rpm
[version] refers to the RPM package currently on the system. RPM packages can be located by
typing the command: rpm -qa | grep nx_.