Q-Logic 5000 Switch User Manual

14 – Command Reference
59183-02 A 14-171
Displays the list of users currently logged in and their session numbers. Provides
the same function as the Show Users command. This keyword is available to all
account names without an Admin session.
Notes Authority level or password changes that you make to an account that is currently
logged in do not take effect until that account logs in again.
Examples The following is an example of the User Accounts command:
SANbox (admin) #> user accounts
Current list of user accounts
images (admin authority = False, never expires)
admin (admin authority = True , never expires)
chuckca (admin authority = False, expires in < 50 days)
gregj (admin authority = True , expires in < 100 days)
fred (admin authority = True , never expires)
The following is an example of the User Add command:
SANbox (admin) #> user add
Press 'q' and the ENTER key to abort this command.
account name (1-15 chars) : user1
account password (8-20 chars) : *******
please confirm account password: *******
set account expiration in days (0-2000, 0=never): [0] 100
should this account have admin authority? (y/n): [n] y
OK to add user account 'user1' with admin authority
and to expire in 100 days?
Please confirm (y/n): [n] y