6 SpeedTouch™ NAPT Manager
E-DOC-CTC-20040123-0001 v3.0
6 The Software License Agreement appears:
You must accept before continuing. Click Ye s to accept.
Note If you accepted this Software License Agreement in a previous session
of NAPT Manager, this window will not be shown anymore.
7 NAPT Manager will search for the SpeedTouch™ on the network.
The following window shows the detection progress:
8 The NAPT manager should find your SpeedTouch™ device on the local network.
This is indicated by the following window:
If more than one device is found, a list of available devices will be provided. If this
is the case, select your SpeedTouch™ device (SpeedTouch™580) and click Next.
Note If the SpeedTouch™ Setup Wizard does not find any SpeedTouch™ on
the network an error window appears. In this case see page 27 for
more information.
To repeat the search for the SpeedTouch™, click Back and proceed with step 7
of this procedure.