Sanyo POA-PN40 Network Card User Manual

Chapter 4 Controlling the Projector
Register the projector
To use the multi control function, register the IP address of the projector you intend
to control. Click PJ registration sub menu tab and set the IP address and Memo, then
click Set button.
10 projectors per a page can be registered and up to 100 sets can be registered for the multi-
IP address
Page no.
Click here to close
the sub menu Conf.
& Change.
* When you click on a listed IP
address, the login page for the
selected projector will be dis
played with a new window.
Items Description
IP address ......... Enter IP address of the projector to control
Memo ................. Enter projector name or installed location etc.
Confirmation of registered projector
To check the registered information, click Conf. &
Change sub menu tab. The registered information of
the projector is listed as the below.
* The word "None" is displayed if not using the "Memo" func-