This chapter provides basic information for using the unit.
In addition to this printed manual an online manual is also provided. (The AL-1631 does
not have an online manual.) To get full use of all features and functions of this product,
be sure to familiarize yourself with both manuals. This printed manual provides all
installation and setup instructions as well as instructions in the use of all copier
functions. The online manual contains the following information.
Online manual (AL-1641CS)
Provides you with information on how to specify preferences and troubleshooting. Check
the online manual when you use this unit after all the initial setup is completed.
How to use the online manual
Explains how to use the online manual.
Provides information on how to print a document.
Explains how to scan using the scanner driver and how to adjust the settings for
the Button Manager.
Provides instructions on how to solve driver or software problems.
Conventions used in this manual and online manual
• This operation manual explains the operation of the AL-1631 and AL-1641CS
models. In cases where the operation is the same, the AL-1641CS is used.
• Illustrations of driver screens and other computer screens show the screens that
appear in Windows XP Home Edition. Some of the names that appear in these
illustrations may differ slightly from the screens that appear in other operating systems.
• This operation manual refers to the Single Pass Feeder as the "SPF".
• In this manual, the following icons are used to provide the user with information
pertinent to the use of the unit.
Some model may not be available in some countries.
Warns the user that injury may result if the contents of the warning
are not properly followed.
Cautions the user that damage to the unit or one of its components
may result if the contents of the caution are not properly followed.
Notes provide information relevant to the unit regarding
specifications, functions, performance, operation and such, that
may be useful to the user.
Indicates a letter displayed in the display.