AR-B1474 User¡¦s Guide
The <Advanced CMOS SETUP> option consists of configuration entries that allow you to improve your system
performance, or let you set up some system features according to your preference.
System BootUp Sequence
The option determines where the system looks first for an operating system.
System BootUp Num-Lock
This item is used to activate the Num Lock function upon system boot. If the setting is on, after a boot, the Num
Lock light is lit, and user can use the number key.
Floppy Drive Seek At Boot
If the <Floppy Drive Seek> item is setting Enabled, the BIOS will seek the floppy <A> drive one time upon bootup.
System BootUp CPU Speed
The option set the speed of the CPU at system boot time.
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
Typematic Rate sets the rate at which characters on the screen repeat when a key is pressed and held down.
Above 1MB Memory Test
When this option is enabled, the BIOS memory test will be performed on all system memory. When this option is
disabled, the memory test will be done only for the first 1MB of system memory.
Memory Test Tick Sound
The option enables or disabled the ticking sound during the memory test.
Password Checking Option
This option enables password checking every time the computer is powered on or every time the BIOS Setup is
executed. If Always is chosen, a user password prompt appears every time the computer is turned on. If Setup is
chosen, the password prompt appears if the BIOS executed.
Hard Disk Type 47 RAM Area
Specify in this option if the top 1KB of the system programming area beginning at 639K or 0:300 in the system
BIOS area in low memory will be used to store hard disk information.
Wait for ‘ F1’ If Error
BIOS POST error messages are followed by:
Press <F1> to continue
If this option is set to Disabled, the AMIBIOS does not wait for you to press the <F1> key after an error message.
Hit ‘ DEL’ Message Display
Set this option to Disabled to prevent the message as follows:
Hit ‘DEL’ if you want to run setup
It will prevent the message from appearing on the first BIOS screen when the computer boots.