Sony ERS-7 Network Card User Manual

Editing “WLANCONF.TXT” manually
Users of Windows
98, Mac OS
, and other operating
systems that do not support the “AIBO WLAN Manager”
can use the following procedure to manually edit the
contents of “WLANCONF.TXT” to configure the network.
Users of the Windows 98 SE, Windows Me, Windows 2000,
and Windows XP (Home Edition or Professional) operating
systems can use the “AIBO WLAN Manager” (page 10).
1 Insert the AIBO MIND software “Memory
Stick™” media into the “Memory Stick” media
2 Copy the wireless LAN configuration file
“WLANCONF.TXT” from the sample folder
into its parent folder.
3 Edit the copy of “WLANCONF.TXT” with a
text editor.
The contents to edit will depend on whether your
network setup uses a DHCP server* or not.
The DHCP server allows an IP address to be
automatically allocated to a device on the network.
* For details on DHCP server functionality, refer to the instruction
manuals included with your modem or access point.