Chapter 6: Using the printer with Windows 95
This chapter describes how to use the printer with Microsoft Windows 95. The
following topics are covered:
❏ Setting up the printer in Windows 95
❏ Preparing for printing
❏ Printing a document
❏ Installing the TrueType fonts
The file “readme.txt” on the floppy disk contains any late-breaking information
that has been made available since this manual was printed.
Setting up the printer in Windows 95
To use the printer with Windows 95, you need to install a file known as the
printer driver onto your computer. This file is supplied on the floppy disk that
comes with the printer.
The following description assumes that you are using a mouse (“click” and
“double-click” refer to the action of using the mouse to point at an item with the
on-screen pointer, and then clicking either once, or twice in quick succession).
To install the printer driver under Windows 95, use the following steps:
❏ Turn on the printer and start up your computer.
❏ Click on the Start button in the bottom lefthand corner of the screen.
❏ Select Settings.
❏ Release the mouse button on Printers.
❏ Double-click on the Add Printer icon in the Printers window.
❏ Click on the Next button.