FIGURE 2-1 Expansion Unit Back Panel 6
FIGURE 2-2 Connecting the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS AC Power Cables 6
FIGURE 2-3 Power Switch and Front Panel Detail 7
FIGURE 2-4 The Shutdown Panel 9
FIGURE 2-5 The LCD Panel Controls 9
FIGURE 3-1 The Set Server Name Panel 11
FIGURE 3-2 The Configure Network Adapters Panel 13
FIGURE 3-3 The Set Gateway Address Panel 14
FIGURE 3-4 The Set Up DNS Panel 15
FIGURE 4-1 The Create File Volumes Panel 19
FIGURE 4-2 The Attach Segments Panel 20
FIGURE 4-3 The Configure Directory Tree Quotas Panel 21
FIGURE 4-4 The Add DTQ Setting Dialog Box 22
FIGURE 4-5 The Schedule Checkpoints Panel 24
FIGURE 4-6 The Add Checkpoint Schedule Dialog Box 25
FIGURE 4-7 The Manage Checkpoints Panel 26
FIGURE 4-8 The Create Checkpoint Dialog Box 27
FIGURE 4-9 The Configure Shares Panel 28
FIGURE 4-10 The Add Share Dialog Box 29
FIGURE 4-11 The Configure Shares Panel 30
FIGURE 4-12 The Windows Start Menu 30