82 Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
To set up diagnostic e-mail:
1. In the toolbar at the top of the screen, select the button. The Diagnostic Email
dialog box appears.
FIGURE A-1 The Diagnostic Email Dialog Box
2. Enter a description of the problem in the Problem Description field. This is a
mandatory entry and is limited to 256 characters.
3. Enter at least one e-mail recipient by typing it in the E-mail Address field. To
include Sun Microsystems Technical Support as a recipient, enter
4. Check the type of message you want to send: Notification, Diagnostic, or both.
5. Click the button to add the new recipient to the List of recipients. You can add
a maximum of four e-mail addresses in the list.
To remove a recipient from the list, select the e-mail address and click the
6. Click Send to send the message.