108 Communication Link
6. Press Í on the receiving unit to continue the backup.
— or —
2:Quit on the receiving unit to cancel the backup and return to
the LINK SEND menu
Note: If a transmission error is returned during a backup, the
receiving unit is reset.
Memory Backup Complete
When the backup is complete, both the sending graphing handheld and
receiving graphing handheld display a confirmation screen.
Error Conditions
A transmission error occurs after one or two seconds if:
• A cable is not attached to the sending unit.
• A cable is not attached to the receiving unit.
Note: If the cable is attached, push it in firmly and try again.
• The receiving unit is not set to receive transmission.
• You attempt a backup between a TI-73, TI-82, TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-83
Plus Silver Edition
• You attempt a data transfer from a TI-84 Plus to a TI-83 Plus, TI-83
Plus Silver Edition, TI-83, TI-82, or TI-73 with variables or features not
recognized by the TI-83 Plus, TI-83 Plus Silver Edition, TI-83, TI-82, or
New variable types and features not recognized by the TI-83, TI-83
Plus, TI-82, or TI-73 include applications, application variables,
grouped variables, new variable types, or programs with new
features in them such as
Archive, UnArchive, SendID, SendOS,
Asm(, AsmComp(, AsmPrgm, checkTmr(, ClockOff, ClockOn,
dayOfWk(, getDate, getDtFmt, getDtStr(, getTime, getTmFmt,
getTmStr, isClockOn, setDate(, setDtFmt(, setTime(, setTmFmt(,
startTmr, and timeCnv.
• You attempt a data transfer from a TI-84 Plus to a TI-82 with data
other than real lists L1 through L6 or without using menu item
5:Lists to TI82
• You attempt a data transfer from a TI-84 Plus to a TI-73 with data
other than real numbers, pics, real lists L1 through L6 or named lists
with q as part of the name.