Folder Access Control List (ACL)
On the Folder screen, press the ACL
button, and the Folder Access
Control List (Folder ACL) screen
appears. This screen allows you to
configure access to the specific folder
for users and groups. Use the Read
only, Writable, Deny access, or
Unset radio buttons to configure
access levels for listed users and
groups. Press the Apply button to
confirm your settings.
Folder ACL
Item Description
Folder Current folder name
Recursive Check this box if you want your settings to also apply for all
subfolders in current folder.
Local Groups/Local
Names of local groups and local users. Local groups are
displayed in red, while local users are displayed in green.
Read Only Provides Read Only access to users or groups.
Writable Provides Write access to users or groups.
Deny Denies access to users or groups.
Unset Resets current user’s/group’s access privilages.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit without saving changes.
Back Click Back to return to the Folder screen.
Service Folders
The N299 automatically creates
folders for its built-in applications.
To manage these service folders,
select Service Folder from the
Storage menu. Press NFS to setup
access privilege. Press Edit to edit
these folders. Press ACL to control
access to these folders via the
Access Control List.
Service Folders
Folder Name Description
Photos Default directory for your photos.
Video Default directory for your video files.
Music Music for the iTunes Server is located here. The iTunes server will
share the music located in this directory.
USBCopy Contents copied from the One-Touch USB Copy function are stored
USBHDD Contents copied from USB hard disks are stored here.
IPCam Stored still frames from the Simple Surveillance Server are stored