Toshiba G7 Network Card User Manual

G7 ASD Multi-Protocol Communication Option and PG Feedback Option Manual
8.2 Modbus RTU Configuration
When parameter F890 is selected for Modbus RTU communications, then the additional Network
Configuration Parameters are assigned the functions as indicated in Table 6.
Table 6: Modbus RTU Network Configuration Parameters
Parameter Function Settings Default Value
F891 Baud Rate
0: 300 baud
1: 600 baud
2: 1200 baud
3: 2400 baud
4: 4800 baud
5: 9600 baud
6: 19.2 kbaud
7: 38.4 kbaud
F892 Parity & Stop Bits
0: no parity (1 stop bit)
1: no parity (2 stop bits)
2: even parity
3: odd parity
F893 Response Delay 0 ~ 200 (0.00s ~ 2.00s) 0
F894 Unused N/A (Always 0) 0