G7 ASD Operation Manual 71
Motorized Pot Frequency at Power Down
Program ⇒ Frequency Setting Parameters ⇒ Motorized Pot Settings
When the Frequency Mode #1 Selection (F004) setting is set to Use MOP
Function Simulation, this parameter determines the outcome of the Frequency
Mode #1 setting at powerdown or stop.
If Erase is selected, the ASD will not store the frequency setpoint and
establishes a setpoint of 0.0 Hz when restarted.
If Store is selected, the ASD will maintain the current frequency setpoint in
memory while stopped, during fault conditions, or when power is removed.
This setpoint will be used as the initial frequency setpoint when the ASD is
A control terminal configured as MOP Frequency Clear will establish a
frequency setpoint of 0.0 Hz regardless of the Motorized Pot Frequency at
Power Down setting.
Direct Access Number — F108
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Erase
Changeable During Run — No
ON Input Terminal Assignment
Program ⇒ Terminal Selection Parameters ⇒ Input Terminal
Assignment ⇒ ON
This parameter selects the functionality of the virtual input terminal ON. As a
virtual terminal, the ON control terminal exists only in memory and is
considered to always be in its True (or connected to CC) state.
It is often practical to assign this terminal to a function that the user desires to
be maintained regardless of external conditions or operations.
This parameter sets the programmable ON terminal to 1 of the 68 possible
functions that are listed in
Table 8 on pg. 76.
Direct Access Number — F110
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
F Input Terminal Assignment
Program ⇒ Terminal Selection Parameters ⇒ Input Terminal
Assignment ⇒ F
This parameter selects the functionality of the F input terminal.
In addition, the input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This parameter sets the programmable F terminal to 1 of the 68 possible
functions that are listed in
Table 8 on pg. 76.
Direct Access Number — F111
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Forward
Changeable During Run — No
R Input Terminal Assignment
Program ⇒ Terminal Selection Parameters ⇒ Input Terminal
Assignment ⇒ R
This parameter selects the functionality of the R input terminal.
In addition, the input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This parameter sets the programmable R terminal to 1 of the 68 possible
functions that are listed in
Table 8 on pg. 76.
Direct Access Number — F112
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Reverse
Changeable During Run — No
F108 F112