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place to your trip, highlight it and click Add Stop. In this tab, you can also specify a Home
and Work address. To do this, highlight an address on the list of favorites and click the
circle next to Home or Work under the list. Now your home or work address can be
quickly selected as a destination in Guidance Mode (see page 17). Remember that while
you can access your Home and Work addres from Guidance Mode, they can only be
changed through the Favorites tab in Planning Mode.
Itinerary Buttons
Regardless of the tab you select, the same commands will remain in the bottom of the Trip
Planner window. To the right of the Itinerary you will see five buttons. Using the
Up/Down arrows you can alter the order of the stops on your Itinerary. Using the Zoom
button you can zoom to the selected stop on a map. The Delete Stop button allows you to
remove stops from your trip. And the Add Fav button lets you add a stop entered on your
Itinerary to your saved list of favorite places (see above).
Stop Optimization
When you are finished adding all your stops to the Trip Itinerary, you can click the
Optimize button and CoPilot will automatically re-order the stops to create the most
efficient route. Otherwise your trip will be routed in the order in which the stops appear on
the Trip Itinerary.
Running the Trip
To see a complete map of your trip, as well as detailed, turn-by-turn driving directions, click
Run. To generate a round trip, click the Round Trip check box before clicking Run. A
round trip includes all intermediate stops on the way to your destination, but routes directly
from your destination back to your starting place.
Routing Options, Clear, Help
Click the Options button to change your travel speeds, route type, and road preferences (see
the next page for more information on the Trip Options dialog box). The Clear button
cancels the trip you have been planning and allows you to start a new one. For more
information about the Trip Planner window and trip planning, click the Help button.