TravRoute CoPilot 2002 Laptop User Manual

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Beyond the Basics
If you are familiar with the basic features of CoPilot, you are probably ready to try some of
the advanced features. For more information on these features see the Legend on page 47
of this manual, or see Trip Planning: Beyond the Basics in the Help Files (under Planning
Mode in the Contents tab).
Picking Stops from the Map
To pick a stop from the map with the mouse, first zoom into the area from which you want
to select a location. Then open the Map menu and select Pick Stops from the sub-menu of
Mouse Modes, or click on the Pick Stops button on the tool bar. (If the Pick Stops button
is gray, try zooming in for a closer view of the map. Keep zooming in until the button
becomes active. You must be at a zoom level of 10 or higher to pick a stop. Your zoom
level is displayed in the title bar of the map window.) With Pick Stops turned on, click with
the left mouse button on the location you want to add to your trip (it can be a city or any
location, including a local address or latitude/longitude point).
When you pick a stop, the Add to Trip Planner dialog box will appear. You may add the
location as 1) the start place, 2) a stop, or 3) the end place. (Note that any previously-
entered start or end place will be eliminated
from the trip if a new start or end place is
chosen.) Now click on OK to close the dialog
box, then select Edit Trip from the tool bar to
bring the Trip Planner window forward.
You'll see that the stop you picked now
appears as either the start or end place, or an
intermediate stop on your Trip Itinerary.
Click on the Run button to rerun your trip
with the new stop. You can pick multiple
stops from the map before re-running the trip
if you wish.
Add to Trip Planner Dialog Box