Wireless DSL Gateway User Manual
© 2008 Verizon. All Rights Reserved.
A method to allow wireless data transmissions a level of security.
ESSID (Extended Service Set Identifier)
A unique identifier for a wireless network. Also known as “SSID.”
Ethernet Network
A standard wired networking configuration using cables and hubs.
A method preventing users outside the network from accessing and/or
damaging files or computers on the network.
A central device that manages the data traffic of your network, as well as data
traffic to and from the Internet.
IP (Internet Protocol) Address
A series of four numbers separated by periods identifying a unique Internet
computer host.
ISP Gateway Address
An IP address for the Internet router. This address is only required when using a
cable or DSL modem.
ISP (Internet Service Provider)
A business that allows individuals or businesses to connect to the Internet.
LAN (Local Area Network)
A group of computers and devices connected together in a relatively small area
(such as a house or an office). A home network is considered a LAN.