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Open an Existing Database of Business Cards
The most recently edited database will be opened when accessing the Visioneer Business Card Reader
software. To open a previously saved database of business cards:
1) Select Open from the ‘File’ menu.
2) In the 'Open the data File' window select the file.
3) Click OK.
Creating a New Contact
The ‘New’ option allows for manual entry of the details of a business card without scanning.
1) Click on the
button on the toolbar, or select New Business Card from the 'Edit' menu.
2) A blank business card view will be displayed.
3) Enter the details of the business card.
4) The business card will be saved automatically.
Note: Any changes to an existing database are saved automatically on close of software.
Scanning a Business Card
To scan business cards:
1) Select Scan Options from the ‘Settings’ menu to set the default scanning options prior to start of business
card scan.
2) Click on the
button or select Scan from the ‘File’ menu.
3) Insert business card face down and flush to the side of the paper feed slot on the scanner.
4) After the business card has been scanned the following options are available:
a) Scan opposite side – if the business card has information on both sides, select this option to begin scan
of second side.
b) Discard – if the image is not clear, click on the ‘Discard’ button to delete the image and scan again.
c) Process – clicking on the ‘Process’ button will begin the OCR process, when it completes, the contact
information text fields will be filled in with the results.
5) If the business card has been scanned in upside down, or if the business card view should be vertical
instead of horizontal, rotate the card image then reprocess (OCR) the card.
a) Click Card on the File menu bar.
b) Select a rotate option form the drop menu.
i) Rotate Left, Rotate 180, or Rotate Right
ii) The business card image will rotate according to the option selected.
Scan Options
Change the default scan settings for business card scans prior to scanning:
1) Select Scan Options from the ‘Settings’ menu to access the options for scanning, OCR and lists.
2) Click on the Scan Options tab if not already selected.
3) Modify the options as desired then click on the OK button.
a) Adjust:
i) Brightness – changes the brightness of the image as it is being scanned in.
ii) Contrast – sharpens the contrast between light and dark for clearer images.
b) Save Image Format:
i) Black/White Tiff Image – saves the scanned card images as black/white tiff images.
ii) Gray Tiff Image – saves the scanned card images as “shades of gray” tiff images.