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To search for business cards:
1) Enter a keyword in the search textbox on the tool bar
arching Business Cards
search function allows fast and easy retrieval of business car
2) The keyword can be any information contained in the business card.
3) If a business card containing the keyword is found, it will be displayed. If not, an empty screen will be shown.
4) More than one keyword can be entered, separated by clicking on AND (AND&) or OR (OR|) button.
a) To search for all business cards containing all the keywords entered, use the 'AND&' separator.
b) To search for all business cards containing any of the keywords entered, use the 'OR|' separator.
5) To cancel a search, click on the All button to cancel searched results and view all business cards in browse
or list view.
) Click on the
Specify searchable fields
button to open the ‘Select Search Fields’ option window. 1