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Back-Up and Restore the Business Card Database
Visioneer recommends that the Business Card Database be backed-up on a regular basis. This may be helpful
if there are any system problems where the data may be lost or the current database may become corrupted.
Back-Up a Database
1) Select BackUp Database from the ‘File’ menu
2) Browse to the location where the back-up file is to be saved
a) Default file location is c:\program files\VisioneerBCR 1.5\user data
3) Name the file then click on the Save button
a) Example: the file name could be the day the back-up is completed
4) Click on OK when the back-up complete window opens
Restore a Database
1) Select Restore from the ‘File’ menu
2) rowse to the location where the back-up files have been saved
3) nd click on the Open button
nother name to maintain the content of the
Select the desired back-up file that needs to be restored a
The backup database will now be the current database
a) All changes will be made to this back-up database
b) he database as aGo to ‘File’ and select Save As to save t
backup database file