Western Telematic MPC-8H-1 Network Card User Manual

Operation via SNMP
13.3. Configuration via SNMP
MPC User accounts can be viewed, created, modified, and deleted via SNMP. User
accounts are arranged in a table of 128 rows, and indexed 1-128. User account
parameters, as seen through the SNMP, are summarized below.
userTable::userName – 32 character username
userTable::userPasswd – 16 character password
userTable::userAccessLevel – Account access level.
0 – View Access
1 – User Access
2 – Superuser Access
3 – Administrator Access
userTable::userPortAccess - Determines which AUX/Remote ports the user
will be allowed to connect to. This parameter only applies when the AUX/Remote
ports have been configured as serial ports.
userTable::userLocalAccess – A string of 20 characters, with one character
for each of the 20 possible plugs on the LOCAL MPC unit. A ‘0’ indicates that the
account does not have access to the plug, and a ‘1’ indicates that the user does
have access to the plug.
userTable::userAux1Access – A string of 20 characters, with one character for
each of the 20 possible plugs on the AUX1 MPC unit. ‘0’ indicates that the account
cannot access the plug, and ‘1’ indicates that the user can access the plug.
userTable::userAux2Access – A string of 20 characters, with one character for
each of the 20 possible plugs on the AUX2 MPC unit. ‘0’ indicates that the account
cannot access the plug, and ‘1’ indicates that the user can access the plug.
userTable::userAux3Access – A string of 20 characters, with one character for
each of the 20 possible plugs on the AUX3 MPC unit. ‘0’ indicates that the account
cannot access the plug, and ‘1’ indicates that the user can access the plug.
userTable::userGroupAccess – A string of 54 characters, with one character
for each of the 54 possible plug groups in the system. ‘0’ indicates that the account
cannot access the group, and ‘1’ indicates that the user can access the group.
userTable::userSerialAccess – Access to the serial interface
0 – No access
1 – Access
userTable::userTelnetSshAccess – Access to the Telnet/SSH interface
0 – No access
1 - Access
userTable::userWebAccess – Access to the Web interface
0 – No access
1 - Access
userTable::userCurrentPowerMetering – Access to the systems current/
power metering
0 – No access
1 – Access
userTable::userCallbackNum – 32 character callback number for account
userTable::userSubmit – Set to 1 to submit changes.