Western Telematic MPC-8H-1 Network Card User Manual

Basic Configuration
The Power Source Configuration menu and/or System Parameters menu include the
following power configuration parameters:
Power Factor: Can be any value from 0.1 to 1.00. (Default = 1.00.)
Power Efficiency: Can be any whole number from 1% to 100%. (Default = 100%.)
Unit to Configure (Local/AUX Unit): This item is used to determine whether power
configuration parameters will be applied to your local unit, or to an optional remote
unit, connected to one of the local unit's AUX Ports. (Default = Local.)
Line Power Source: This item is used to indicate the power source for each local/
AUX unit. The Power Source can either be external or the power can be supplied
by another connected MPC unit. When power is supplied by another, attached
MPC unit, proper setting of the "Power Source" parameter prevents the power
readings from the MPC unit from being incorrectly doubled when real power is
calculated. (Default = External.)
Voltage Setting: This parameter is used to select the voltage setting for any
optional BPM Branch Power Managers that may be connected to your local unit's
AUX Ports. Note that this parameter will only be shown when an optional BPM
Branch Power Manager has been connected to one of the AUX Ports. The Voltage
Setting can be defined as MPC, 120, 208 or 240 VAC.