ZyXEL Communications AES-100 Switch User Manual

AES-100 User’s Guide
IP Commands 10-3> ping <host> [<ttl> [<size>]]
host =
the IP address of the target.
ttl =
Time to Live (optional). This parameter limits the number of hops (routers) that the
echo request can travel before it reaches the target.
size =
The parameter specifies the size of the payload, that is, not counting the headers, of
the echo request. The default size is 32 octets.
This is an IP facility to check for network functionality by sending an echo request to another IP host and waiting for
the reply.
10.2.4 Statistics Command
Syntax:> stats <sub cmd>
This command shows the statistics for the traffic of the type specified by the sub-command. Statistics are available
for the following traffic types: ARP, ICMP, IP, raw, TCP and UDP.