ZyXEL Communications P-662H Network Router User Manual

P-662H/HW-D Series User’s Guide
302 Chapter 19 Bandwidth Management
The following table describes common services with their associated port numbers.
19.9 Bandwidth Monitor
To view the ZyXEL Device’s bandwidth usage and allotments, click Advanced > Bandwidth
MGMT > Monitor. The screen appears as shown. Select an interface from the drop-down list
box to view the bandwidth usage of its bandwidth rules.
Destination Port Enter the port number of the destination. See Table 123 on page 302 for some
common services and port numbers. A blank destination IP address means any
destination IP address.
Source Address Enter the source IP address in dotted decimal notation. A blank source IP
address means any source IP address.
Source Subnet
Enter the destination subnet mask. This field is N/A if you do not specify a
Source Address. Refer to the appendices for more information on IP subnetting.
A blank source port means any source port number.
Source Port Enter the port number of the source. See Table 123 on page 302 for some
common services and port numbers.
Protocol Select the protocol (TCP or UDP) or select User defined and enter the protocol
(service type) number. ID “0” means any protocol number.
Back Click Back to go to the previous screen.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the ZyXEL Device.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Table 123 Services and Port Numbers
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) 21
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) 25
DNS (Domain Name System) 53
Finger 79
HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer protocol or WWW, Web) 80
POP3 (Post Office Protocol) 110
NNTP (Network News Transport Protocol) 119
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) 161
SNMP trap 162
PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) 1723
Table 122 Bandwidth Management Rule Configuration (continued)