User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4.x
Chapter 19 Content Distribution and Delivery
Is the HTTP bit rate (bandwidth) setting too low on your Content Engine?
The factory-default bandwidth setting for HTTP sessions (up to 1.5Mbps) on a Content Engine
is not sufficient for MPEG-2 video.
SD MPEG-2 video requires approximately 5Mbps.
HD MPEG-2 video requires approximately 15Mbps.
Use the bitrate command, as follows, to increase the maximum bandwidth on a Content
Engine to 6Mbps per HTTP session.
bitrate http default 6000
Are too many DMPs using your Content Engine?
Two factors affect the upper limit for how many DMPs should use one Content Engine.
The resolution of the MPEG-2 files that you use (SD or HD).
The designed capacity of the Content Engine model that you use.
For example, the HTTP caching throughput is approximately 40Mbps on a Content
Engine565, which means that this model cannot support any more than:
Eight DMPs that play SD MPEG-2 video at 5Mbps.
Two or three DMPs that play HD MPEG-2 video at 15Mbps.
Are HTTP requests from DMPs redirected correctly to your Content Engine?
Telnet to your Content Engine and issue this command:
show statistics http savings
Verify that the HTTP savings level is high.
When you see that the HTTP savings level is low, verify that you have correctly
configured your router and—if you use it on your Content Engine—transparent
WCCP mode.