User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4.x
Chapter 8 Authentication and Federated Identity
Understand Synchronization of a DMM Group to an LDAP Filter
Note Microsoft Active Directory is the only LDAP implementation that we support in this release.
In most cases, you can associate one LDAP filter apiece to one DMM user group. Likewise, in most
cases, you can associate one DMM user group apiece to one LDAP filter. The Digital Signs user
group is an exception to both of these principles. It is built-in to Cisco DMS.
After you associate a DMM user group to an LDAP filter, you cannot use features on the Users tab
to delete the DMM user group until after you delete the LDAP filter. However, even when you delete
an LDAP filter, there is no requirement to delete its associated DMM user group. Furthermore,
there is no way for you to delete the Digital Signs user group. It is built-in to Cisco DMS.
Understand Manual Synchronization
Note Microsoft Active Directory is the only LDAP implementation that we support in this release.
Manual synchronization mode requires you to choose Administration > Settings > Authentication >
Synchronize Users > LDAP Bookmarks during all future synchronizations. Afterward, you must
click Update.
Manual synchronization mode deletes your schedule for automatic synchronizations.
Understand Automatic Synchronization
Note Microsoft Active Directory is the only LDAP implementation that we support in this release.
Automatic synchronization mode automates and schedules incremental updates to user accounts that
match Active Directory filters that you defined in DMS-Admin. When you use automatic
synchronization mode, new fields and elements become available to you. These help you to configure
the settings for automatic synchronization.
See the “Understand Synchronization of a DMM Group to an LDAP Filter” section on page 8-13.
Is the Active Directory Filter
Associated to a DMM
User Group?
We Sync All Matching LDAP User Accounts to the
‘All Users’ Group in DMM Associated User Group in DMM
Yes Yes
Yes N.A.