User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4.x
Chapter 21 Proof of Play
Note • Proof of play features in Cisco Digital Signs ignore the playback of assets that Cisco developed—including all
samples and templates that you received with any previous DMM release.
• Syslog data provides the start and stop time stamps for playback. From time to time, some of these time stamps might
seem wrong even though they are technically correct. In this case, puzzling results will report a playback duration of 0 min
and 0 sec for any campaign element whose start time and stop time were identical—for any reason. The likeliest explanation
is that a stop command interrupted playback coincidentally during the same second in which a campaign element was
scheduled to start playback (CSCtr57386).
A populated campaign audits the playback of:
Each asset that you reference directly, as a single element regardless of its context.
Each asset that you reference indirectly, as one element within the context of a playlist
or presentation.
Add assets to your media library.
Develop, schedule, and publish presentations and playlists.
Define report collection parameters for proof-of-play.
Run reports.
Prepare DMPs to Support Proof of Play, page 21-4
Create Requestors, page 21-7
Create Campaigns, page 21-8
Run a Report, page 21-9
Export a Report, page 21-9
View Previous Reports, page 21-10
Use the Proof of Play Dashboard, page 21-10
Prepare DMPs to Support Proof of Play
Enable Syslog and NTP, page 21-5
Enable Proof of Play Features in DMM, page 21-6