User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4.x
Chapter 7 Cisco Hinter for RTSP
FAQs and Troubleshooting, page 7-6
FAQs and Troubleshooting
Troubleshoot RTP Over RTSP, page 7-6
Troubleshoot RTP Over RTSP
These general troubleshooting ideas might help you to diagnose and resolve problems with this feature.
Verify that both the MPG source file and its hinted MOV derivative are present together in the media
root directory on your DSS.
Use a utility like openRTSP to test both the MPG source file and its hinted MOV derivative. The
correct Linux command line syntax in this case is
openRTSP -V -v -t rtsp://DSS_server_IP_address/filename.mov
Use HexEdit, WinHex, or a similar utility to open your hinted MOV file and verify that it contains:
An explicit reference to the full and literal filename of your MPG source.
The signature for MOV output from Cisco Hinter:
Hinted MPEG1 Muxed Track
The signature for interleaved RTP:
Check the system logs on your DSS.
Note • openRTSP—http://www.live555.com/openRTSP/
• HexEdit—http://hexedit.sourceforge.net/