
5.30.9 Max Ident Length Change for Shareable Images in Map ........... 5–29
5.30.10 Linkage Type Check for Shareable Images . . ................... 5–29
5.30.11 Program Section Attribute ABS Ignored ....................... 5–30
5.30.12 Linker ACCVIOs when FP_MODE Literal Missing From Command
Line ................................................... 5–30
5.30.13 OpenVMS Integrity servers Object Module and Image File
Information Currently Unavailable ........................... 5–30
5.30.14 Differences Between the Integrity servers Linker and the Alpha
Linker ................................................. 5–30
5.30.15 LINK_ORDER Section Header Flag Not Supported ............... 5–30
5.30.16 Linking Against Data-Reduced ELF Object Libraries Not
Recommended ........................................... 5–31
5.30.17 Error in Handling Initialized Overlaid Program Sections Fixed . . . . . 5–31
5.30.18 Removal of Linker Qualiers /EXPORT_SYMBOL_VECTOR and
/PUBLISH_GLOBAL_SYMBOLS . ............................ 5–32
5.30.19 Support for Longer Symbol Names in Options ................... 5–32
5.30.20 Better Use of Memory for Linker-Created Code Stubs . . ........... 5–32
5.30.21 Compiler Support for Demangled Symbol Names ................ 5–32
5.31 LTDRIVER: CANCEL SELECTIVE Restriction . . ................... 5–32
5.32 Mail Utility: Threads Restriction for Callable Mail .................. 5–33
5.33 OpenVMS System Dump Analyzer (SDA) ......................... 5–33
5.33.1 CLUE Commands Not Ported to OpenVMS Integrity servers ....... 5–33
5.34 PL/I Libraries Not Included in OpenVMS Integrity servers Version 8.2. . . 5–33
5.35 POSIX Threads Library . . . .................................... 5–33
5.35.1 Support for Process-shared Objects ........................... 5–34
5.35.2 New Return Status for pthread_mutex_lock . ................... 5–34
5.35.3 Support for New API pthread_mutex_tryforcedlock_np . ........... 5–34
5.35.4 Stack Overows During Exception Handling (Integrity servers
Only) .................................................. 5–35
5.35.5 THREADCP Command Behavior on Integrity Servers . . ........... 5–36
5.35.6 Floating-Point Compilations and Exceptions (Integrity servers
Only) .................................................. 5–36
5.35.7 C Language Compilation Header File Changes .................. 5–36
5.35.8 New Priority Adjustment Algorithm .......................... 5–37
5.35.9 Process Dumps ........................................... 5–37
5.35.10 Dynamic CPU Conguration Changes ......................... 5–37
5.35.11 Debugger Metering Function Does Not Work . ................... 5–38
5.36 RTL Library (LIB$) .......................................... 5–38
5.36.1 RTL Library (LIB$) Help Omission ........................... 5–38
5.36.2 RTL Library (LIB$): Calling Standard Routines (Integrity servers
Only) .................................................. 5–38
5.37 Screen Management (SMG$) Documentation ....................... 5–39
5.38 SORT32 Utility . ............................................ 5–40
5.38.1 CONVERT Problem With DFS-Served Disks ................... 5–40
5.38.2 Temporary Work Files Not Always Deleted . . ................... 5–40
5.38.3 SORT/SPECIFICATION With Compound Conditions: Requirement
....................................................... 5–40
5.38.4 Performance Problem with Variable Length Records . . ........... 5–40
5.38.5 Work File Directories Restriction ............................ 5–41
5.39 Timer Queue Entries (TQEs) ................................... 5–41
5.40 Watchpoint Utility (Integrity servers Only) ........................ 5–41
5.41 Whole Program Floating-Point Mode (Integrity servers Only) .......... 5–41