Programming Release Notes
5.30 Linker Utility for OpenVMS Integrity servers
5.30.11 Program Section Attribute ABS Ignored
On Integrity servers, you cannot set the ABS attribute to a program section that
contains labels to convert its offsets to constants. The linker prints the error
%ILINK-E-ILLABSPSC, absolute psect <psect-name> has non-zero length (not
The OpenVMS 8.3-1H1 Linker ignores the ABS program section attribute and
prints the following informational message:
%ILINK-I-PSCATTIGN, psect attribute ABS is not supported for OpenVMS ELF
sections, attribute ignored
5.30.12 Linker ACCVIOs when FP_MODE Literal Missing From Command Line
In the Version 8.3, the Integrity server Linker encountered an access violation
when the FP_MODE literal was missing on the command line.
This problem is corrected in OpenVMS Version 8.3-1H1.
5.30.13 OpenVMS Integrity servers Object Module and Image File Information
Currently Unavailable
Information about the OpenVMS Integrity servers extension to ELF (Executable
and Linkable Format; the object module and image file format on Integrity
servers) is not available at this time. It will be provided in a future release.
For information about the Alpha or VAX object language format, see the
respective appendixes in the OpenVMS Alpha/VAX Version 7.3 OpenVMS Linker
Utility Manual, available from the documentation bookshelf at the following URL:
5.30.14 Differences Between the Integrity servers Linker and the Alpha Linker
Be sure to read the HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 New Features and Documentation
Overview for a complete description of the differences between the OpenVMS
Integrity servers Linker and the OpenVMS Alpha Linker. The HP OpenVMS
Version 8.3 New Features and Documentation Overview also contains a description
of features that are new with the OpenVMS Integrity servers Linker.
5.30.15 LINK_ORDER Section Header Flag Not Supported
The Linker does not support the LINK_ORDER ELF section header flag.
However, unwind sections, which have this flag set, are placed in the correct
This flag indicates that the section, if combined with other sections in the image
file, be combined in the same order as the order of the sections to which they
refer are combined. Unwind sections are handled as special cases and appear in
the correct order.
5–30 Programming Release Notes