
General User Release Notes
3.18 Documentation Corrections
3.18.7 Documentation Error: LCKMGR_CPUID System Parameter
The OpenVMS Performance Management manual contains several references
to the system parameter LCKMGR_CPUID as LOCKMGR_CPU. This latter
reference is incorrect and will be corrected the next time the manual is updated.
3.18.8 MMG_CTLFLAGS: Documentation Error
There is an error in the description of Bit 1 of the MMG_CTLFLAGS system
parameter in the OpenVMS Performance Management manual. That description
should be corrected to read as follows:
"Reclamation enabled by out swapping processes that have been idle for
longer than LONGWAIT seconds. This occurs when the size of the free list
drops below the value of FREEGOAL."
3.18.9 HP OpenVMS System Analysis Tools Manual
For changes and updates to the HP OpenVMS System Analysis Tools Manual, see
Chapter 4.
3.18.10 HP OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual
The following corrections pertain to the HP OpenVMS Programming Concepts
Manual: Saving System Dumps
The following changes should be made to the paragraph in Section 31.2, "Writing
a Privileged Routine (User-Written System Service)":
"As a protected image, your program does not have the entire operating system
programming environment at its disposal. Unless a module has the prex SYS$
or EXE$, you must avoid calling it from an inner mode. In particular, do not
call LIB$GET_VM or LIB$RET_VM from an inner mode. You can call OpenVMS
RMS routines from executive mode but not from kernel mode."
LIB$GET_VM should be LIB$FREE_VM. You cannot call these LIBRTL routines
directly, and you cannot call any routines that might now or in the future call
these routines indirectly. This includes other routines within LIBRTL and the
user-mode C library, among other libraries.
3.19 HP OpenVMS DELTA/XDELTA Debugger Manual Update
The HP DELTA debugger was made available on OpenVMS Integrity servers
Version 8.2-1. The HP OpenVMS DELTA/XDELTA Debugger Manual has been
revised in this release to include information about using DELTA on OpenVMS
Integrity servers.
3.19.1 HP OpenVMS Version 8.2 New Features and Documentation Overview:
Librarian Utility Corrections
The following release notes provide corrected information about the OpenVMS
Integrity servers Librarian utility.
3–18 General User Release Notes