
Programming Release Notes
5.35 POSIX Threads Library
5.35.5 THREADCP Command Behavior on Integrity Servers
The DCL command THREADCP cannot be used on OpenVMS Integrity servers
to query and change the two threads-related main image header ags, UPCALLS
and MULTIPLE_KERNEL_THREADS. Instead, you must use the DCL commands
SET IMAGE and SHOW IMAGE to set and show threads header ags on
Integrity servers.
Alpha users should continue to use the THREADCP command.
5.35.6 Floating-Point Compilations and Exceptions (Integrity servers Only)
Any source modules that call either of the following two old cma threads library
routines must be compiled for use on OpenVMS Integrity servers with the
/FLOAT=G_FLOAT compiler qualier (or language-specic equivalent).
These routines accept only VAX-format oating-point values as arguments.
Normally, OpenVMS Integrity servers compilers default to using the IEEE
formats for oating-point values unlike OpenVMS Alpha compilers, which
default to using VAX formats. These two cma threads routines accept only
oating-point arguments in VAX format on both Alpha and Integrity servers.
Failure to properly compile any calls to these routines may result in unexpected
exceptions being raised when IEEE format oating-point values are erroneously
passed at runtime.
5.35.7 C Language Compilation Header File Changes
The following changes have been made in OpenVMS Version 7.3-2:
In some prior releases of OpenVMS, the POSIX Threads C language header
le PTHREAD_EXCEPTION.H inadvertently contained a #include of the
C header le INTS.H. This has been corrected in OpenVMS Version 7.3-2.
PTHREAD_EXCEPTION.H no longer causes INTS.H to be included in a
compilation. There may be some applications whose compilation requires
the presence of INTS.H and which are erroneously relying on PTHREAD_
EXCEPTION.H to provide it.
Recompiling such application source modules on an OpenVMS Version 7.3-
2 system will result in diagnostic messages from the C compiler. These
messages identify symbols or data types (for example, int32) that originate in
INTS.H and are undened. To correct such application source modules, add a
direct #include of
before the rst use of the corresponding symbols
or types.
In prior releases of OpenVMS, the POSIX Threads C language header le
PTHREAD.H contained a denition for a typedef named
. This is
a nonstandard symbol, which does not belong in PTHREAD.H. (This typedef
was present for historic reasons related to the contents of C RTL header les
such as TIME.H and TIMERS.H.) For OpenVMS Version 7.3-2, the standards
5–36 Programming Release Notes