
OpenVMS Software Installation and Upgrade Release Notes
1.9 Kerberos for OpenVMS
After you have a valid conguration, start Kerberos with the following command:
For more information, see the Kerberos for OpenVMS Installation Guide and
Release Notes.
1.10 Modifying SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM
The startup command procedures for Encrypt and SSL are now called
from the VMS$LPBEGIN-050_STARTUP.COM procedure. If you are
upgrading from a previous version of OpenVMS that had Encrypt and
SSL products installed, edit SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM
to remove the calls to SYS$STARTUP:ENCRYPT_ START.COM and
SYS$STARTUP:SSL$STARTUP.COM. This will prevent these command
procedures from executing twice.
1.11 Encryption for OpenVMS
When you install or upgrade OpenVMS, Encryption for OpenVMS creates its
own ENCRYPT and DECRYPT commands. Encryption for OpenVMS starts
automatically (after SSL for OpenVMS, which also starts automatically). For
more information about Encryption for OpenVMS, see HP OpenVMS Version 8.3
New Features and Documentation Overview.
With Version 8.3 of OpenVMS, the DCL command DECRAM is removed
because it conicts with the new DECRYPT command (DECRYPT
overwrites the default denition of DECRAM, which you might have been
using to start DECram). You should update any command procedures
that use the DECRAM command so that they use the foreign command
style of DCL. For example:
This change affects the use of the DCL command only; all other aspects
of the DECram product remain the same. If you have older versions of
DECram on your OpenVMS Alpha system, you must remove them before
upgrading. See Section 1.12.
1.12 Upgrading HP DECram V3.n
Starting with OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS Integrity servers Version 8.2,
DECram ships with the OpenVMS operating system as a System Integrated
Product (SIP). If you upgrade to Version 8.3 on an OpenVMS Alpha system from
OpenVMS Version 7.3-2, you must remove any old versions of DECram. Refer to
the HP OpenVMS Version 8.4 Upgrade and Installation Manual for details.
More DECram release notes are included in Section 2.17.
1–12 OpenVMS Software Installation and Upgrade Release Notes