
2.10 COBOL: Changes in I/O Run-Time Diagnostics and RMS Special
Registers .................................................. 2–4
2.11 COM for HP OpenVMS (Alpha Only) . ............................ 2–4
2.11.1 COM for OpenVMS Support ................................ 2–4
2.11.2 Registry Access Error with Heavy Load of Applications . ........... 2–4
2.12 DECdfs Version 2.4 Required for OpenVMS Version 8.3 . . . ........... 2–4
2.13 DECforms Web Connector Version 3.0 (Alpha Only) ................. 2–5
2.14 DEC PL/I: RTL Support for OpenVMS ............................ 2–5
2.15 FMS Kits ................................................. 2–5
2.16 Graphical Conguration Manager (Alpha Only) . . ................... 2–6
2.17 HP DECram ................................................ 2–6
2.17.1 DECram Available with OpenVMS Version 8.2 and later........... 2–6
2.17.2 Conict with DECRYPT DCL Command ....................... 2–6
2.18 HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS ............................ 2–6
2.18.1 New Locales Added . . . .................................... 2–7
2.18.2 User-Written Transports not Supported ....................... 2–7
2.19 HP Secure Web Server Version Support ........................... 2–7
2.20 HP Pascal for OpenVMS Alpha Systems .......................... 2–7
2.20.1 HP Pascal: Version 5.8A (or later) Required to Create STARLET
Library (Alpha Only) . . .................................... 2–8
2.20.2 Installing HP Pascal After an Upgrade (Alpha Only) . . . ........... 2–8
2.21 WEBES and SEA Support on Integrity servers . . ................... 2–8
3 General User Release Notes
3.1 SYS$GETTIM_PREC System Service Declaration ................... 3–1
3.2 Problem With F$GETSYI("RAD_CPUS") .......................... 3–1
3.3 HP Code Signing Service for OpenVMS Support . ................... 3–1
3.4 Symbolic Links Implementation Changes ......................... 3–1
3.4.1 Logical Names ........................................... 3–1
3.4.2 Audit Alarms Fixed . . . .................................... 3–2
3.5 SHOW SYSTEM/STATE=MUTEX Does not Display the Processes . . . . . . 3–2
3.6 SWB V1.1-12 Installation Warnings . . ............................ 3–3
3.7 Ctrl/P at the Console Does not Always Work ....................... 3–3
3.8 Installing Oracle Database 10g Release 2 for OpenVMS Fails .......... 3–4
3.9 Serial Port Enumeration . . .................................... 3–4
3.10 Old Firmware Cannot Translate Messages Written to the System Event
Log....................................................... 3–6
3.11 TZ Function in C RTL ........................................ 3–7
3.12 InfoServer Utility and FDDI ................................... 3–7
3.13 New Qualier for DCL Command SET PASSWORD ................. 3–7
3.14 OpenVMS Freeware CDs . . .................................... 3–7
3.14.1 Freeware Menu Unavailable (Integrity servers Only) . . ........... 3–8
3.15 DCL Commands . ............................................ 3–8
3.15.1 SHUTDOWN.COM on OpenVMS Graphics Console (Integrity servers
only) ................................................... 3–8
3.15.2 DIAGNOSE Command No Longer Supported ................... 3–8
3.15.3 MOUNT Command Restriction . . ............................ 3–8
3.16 DECmigrate Not on Open Source Tools CD ........................ 3–9
3.17 HP Secure Web Browser . . .................................... 3–9
3.17.1 Increased Memory Required ................................ 3–9
3.17.2 Installation Error on ODS-2 Disk Volume (Integrity servers Only) . . . 3–9
3.18 Documentation Corrections .................................... 3–10