
System Management Release Notes
4.33 EDIT/FDL: Fixing Recommended Bucket Size
OpenVMS Version 7.3 or higher modies the algorithms for calculating the
recommended bucket size to suggest a more reasonable size when the disk cluster
is large.
4.34 Using EFI$CP Utility not Recommended
The OpenVMS EFI$CP utility is presently considered undocumented and
unsupported. HP recommends against using this utility. Certain privileged
operations within this utility could render OpenVMS Integrity servers
4.35 Error Log Viewer (ELV) Utility: TRANSLATE/PAGE Command
If a message is signaled while you are viewing a report using the /PAGE qualier
with the TRANSLATE command, the display might become corrupted. The
workaround for this problem is to refresh the display using Ctrl/W.
If you press Ctrl/Z immediately after a message is signaled, the program abruptly
terminates. The workaround for this problem is to scroll past the signaled
message before pressing Ctrl/Z.
4.36 Cluster Compatibility Patch Kits
Before introducing an OpenVMS Version 8.2–1 system into an existing OpenVMS
Cluster system, you must apply certain patch kits (also known as remedial kits)
to your systems running earlier versions of OpenVMS. Note that these kits are
version specic.
The versions listed in Table 4–2 are supported in a warranted conguration. For
more information about these congurations, see the HP OpenVMS Version 8.2–1
for Integrity Servers Upgrade and Installation Manual.
Table 4–2 lists the facilities that require patch kits and the patch kit le names.
Each patch kit has a corresponding readme le by the same name with a
.README le extension.
You can either download the patch kits from the following Web site or contact
your HP Support representative to receive the patch kits on media appropriate
for your system:
Patch kits are periodically updated on an as-needed basis. Always use the
most recent patch kit for the facility, as indicated by the version number
in the kit’s readme le. The most recent version of each kit is the version
posted on the Web site.
System Management Release Notes 4–25