Configuring SAS tape drives, 4–12
C programs
compiling and case sensitivity, 5–11
CPUSPINWAIT bugcheck, 5–15
CPU_POWER_MGMT default, 4–22
CRCTX routines enhanced, 6–22
C RTL, 5–11 to 5–13
backport library, 5–12
changes, 5–13
DECC$*.OLB libraries frozen
, 5–13
_ _fci
built-in added, 5–13
changes, 5–12
C Run-Time Library
Ctrl/H key sequence
remapping to DEL (Integrity servers only), 6–2
Ctrl/P, 3–3
Data-reduced ELF object libraries
linking against, 5–31
DCE for OpenVMS, 2–2
DCL commands, 3–8
DDB structure
updates, 5–8
DDT Intercept Establisher Routines
device configuration, 4–28
DECC$*.OLB libraries frozen, 5–13
DECdfs for OpenVMS
Version 2.4 required, 2–4
Oracle 8i,9i, 4–24
DECforms Web Connector
running on OpenVMS Version 7.3-1 and higher,
not on V8.2 Open Source Tools CD, 3–9
See DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS
DECnet for OpenVMS, 1–3
DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS, 1–3
new version required, 1–13
DEC PL/I, 2–5
See HP DECram
conflict with DECRYPT command, 2–6
DECwindows Motif
See HP DECwindows Motif
DECwindows X11 display server, 6–13
graphics boards support, 6–20
Delete key
requires remapping (Integrity servers only),
Delta/XDelta debuggers, 5–15
register display considerations, 5–15
Device configuration, 4–28
Device drivers
IPL setup, 6–21
MON version handling, 6–21
per-thread security impact, 6–21
recompiling and relinking, 6–20 to 6–21
SCSI, 6–20
DEVICE_NAMING system parameter, 4–24
DIAGNOSE command
not supported, 3–8
DIGITAL Modular Computing Components
KZPDA controller and PBXGA graphics card,
updating the SRM console, 6–13
Digital Personal Workstation, 6–14
Documentation changes and corrections
Guide to OpenVMS File Applications, 5–16
LIB$ help omission, 5–38
OpenVMS Performance Management, 3–18
OpenVMS RTL Screen Management (SMG$)
Manual, 5–39
Documentation corrections, 3–10
using IPC commands, 3–21
DSSI disk devices
microcode revision levels, 6–16
Dual-controller HSGnn
failure, 6–14
Dynamic CPU configuration
POSIX Threads Library, 5–37
fixing recommended bucket size, 4–24
EFI$CP utility
use not recommended, 4–25
EFI driver, 6–22
See Error Log Viewer (ELV) utility
Error Log Viewer (ELV) utility, 4–25
Error Message from ACPI, 4–10
EV6 Alpha processor, A–1
Extended DDT bit
problem corrected, 5–32
Extended File Cache (XFC), 4–34
External authentication, 4–12
Integrity servers support, 4–13
password expiration notification, 4–13
SET PASSWORD command, 4–13
External SAS disk device, 4–12