
Programming Release Notes
5.28 Librarian Utility
The LBR$UNMAP_MODULE library service recovers those pages, but the pages
remain in a heap storage free list and continue to be counted against process
quota. For this reason, HP strongly recommends that DCX data-reduced ELF
object libraries rst be expanded before performing Linker operations.
5.28.2 Failure to Insert or Replace .STB les in an Integrity servers Library
(Integrity servers Only)
On OpenVMS VAX and Alpha, .STB les can be stored in object libraries. On
OpenVMS Integrity servers, the Librarian does not do this. For example:
Librarian T01-23
is not an ELF object or image file
Because .STB les are neither objects nor images, the Librarian does not
currently put them into an .OLB le on Integrity servers.
On Alpha and VAX, however, STB les are formatted as object les. On VAX,
.STB les can be used as input to the Linker. On Alpha, .STB le formats are
identical to .OBJ le format (that is, nothing distinguishes them except for the
.STB le extension). As such, the Alpha Librarian accepts the le, but it cannot
be used as input to the Linker.
On Integrity servers, the le type (ET_VMS_LINK_STB) is embedded in the .STB
le, allowing the Librarian and Linker to determine that the .STB le cannot be
processed. This is a permanent condition.
5.28.3 Librarian Fails to Report Errors When Process Quota Too Low
Permanent Restriction
The OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity servers Librarian sometimes does not inform
you of errors during compression, data reduction, or data expansion operations.
This problem occurs if the account or process in which the Librarian is running
has a low PGFLQUOTA process quota. Operation failure is not readily apparent
because the $PUTMSG system service always returns a status of SS$_NORMAL,
even when the system service fails. However, when a failure occurs, the Librarian
returns a status other than Success.
To work around this problem, increase your PGFLQUOTA before running
compression, data reduction, or data expansion operations. In addition, ensure
that your command procedures check the return status from the LIBRARY
5.29 Linker Utility for OpenVMS Alpha
The following release notes pertain to the Alpha Linker Utility on all OpenVMS
platforms. For Integrity servers Linker release notes, see Section 5.30.
Programming Release Notes 5–25