Economy Transmission Economy Transmission
means to send a fax when
communication charges are
lower. The Economy TX fea-
ture registers this time.
P.124 “Registering the Economy
Transmission Time”
ID Code Registers an ID required for
Transfer Request, Transfer
Station, Default ID Polling
Transmission, Default ID Poll-
ing Reception, or ID Trans-
P.125 “ID Code”
Multistep Transfer Registers a transfer station in a
Group Dial. This allows the
message to be transmitted via
multiple transfer stations
more efficiently when the re-
questing party sends a trans-
fer request to your machine.
P.105 “Multistep Transfer”
Special RX Nos. Allow messages from Speci-
fied Senders to be treated dif-
P.115 “Treating Message from
Certain Senders Differently
(Specified Senders)”
Authorized Reception When you register Specified
Senders in advance, you can
restrict senders from whom
you receive message.
P.120 “Authorized Reception”
Forwarding Transfers received messages
to a registered receiver (for-
warding destination).
P.108 “Forwarding”
ECM If a part of transmission fails
due to a telephone line fault,
this feature resends the failed
part automatically.
P.102 “ECM”
G3 Analog Line Register a line type and CSI
when you connect the ma-
chine to the G3 analog line.
See Chapter3, “G3 Analog
Line“ in the Basic Features
G3 Digital Line Register your own fax num-
bers, and CSI, and subaddress
when you connect the ma-
chine to the ISDN.
P.126 “G3 Digital Line”
G4 Digital Line Register your own fax
number, TID (Terminal ID)
and subaddress when you
connect the machine to a G4
digital line.
P.128 “G4 Digital Line”
Date/Time Adjusts the date and the time
as a reference.
P.136 “Date/Time”
Feature name Description Reference