EFP9800 ESC/POS Commands
6– 26 3255 4073– 002
When either n or m is out of range, the settings that were in effect before this
command remain unchanged.
Hexadecimal Decimal ASCII Value of n Value of m
1B 66 m n 27 102 m n ESC f m n 0 - 64 0 - 15
Generate Pulse
Outputs a pulse defined by n1 and n2 to open a cash drawer. The drawer
connector solenoid should have a resistance of 24 ohms or more to avoid
excessive current flow. Use the printer power supply (drawer connector pin 4)
to power the drawer.
Hexadecimal Decimal ASCII Value of n Value of m
1B 70 m n1 n2 27 112 m n1 n2 ESC p m n1 n2 0 - 255 0, 48 = Drawer connector pin 2
1, 49 = Drawer connector pin 5
If n1 > n2, the printer performs the command as n1 = n2
The command is ignored if m is out of range.
n1 x 2 milliseconds = Pulse Ontime
n2 x 2 milliseconds = Pulse Offtime
Pulse is 2 milliseconds x n (1 or 2).
Releases the paper as follows:
• If receipt/journal paper was selected, the next operation begins after the
paper is released.
• If slip was selected, the printer enters the paper removal waiting state after
releasing the paper. After 2 seconds, it enters receipt/journal paper mode.
Hexadecimal Decimal ASCII
1B 71 27 113 ESC q