
EFP9800 ESC/POS Commands
6– 28 3255 4073 002
Any printable area that is less than one character wide will be extended to
the right enough to print one character. If the area cannot be extended to
the right, the left margin will then be reduced. See Set Printable Area
Width for more information.
Set Fundamental Calculation Pitch
Sets the fundamental calculation pitch.
Hexadecimal Decimal ASCII Value of n Default
1D 50 n1 n2 29 80 n1 n2 GS P n1 n2 n1 = 0-255
n2 = 0-255
n1 = 160
n2 = 144
The fundamental calculation pitch is set to the following values:
1/n1 inches (horizontal direction)
1/n2 inches (vertical direction)
The pitches are restored to their default values when n1 = 0 and n2 = 0
This command will not affect the values set by other commands
When the command is combined with others, the calculation is truncated to
the minimum pitch:
1/160 inch (horizontal), 1/144 inch (vertical)
Set Printable Area Width
Sets the width of the printable area as specified by n1 and n2. The default for n1
=144; for n2 = 1. See the illustrations.
Hexadecimal Decimal ASCII Value of n
1D 57 n1 n2 29 87 n1 n2 GS W n1 n2 n1 = 0-255
n2 = 0-255
The settings do not apply in page mode.
The following calculation is used to set the width of the printable area: [(n1
+ 256 x n2) x (horizontal direction of the fundamental calculation pitch)].
See the Set Fundamental Calculation Pitch command (1D 50).
The command is valid only at the beginning of a line.