Ithaca Peripherals Proprinter Emulation Commands
7–16 3255 4073–002
Set Double-Wide for Current Font
Doubles the width of the currently selected character size. Double-wide can
begin in the middle of a line, but cannot be canceled before the end of a line by
the Cancel Single Line Double-Wide command (14).
To return to single-wide characters, use the Cancel Double-Wide for Current
Font command (1B 57 30).
Hexadecimal Decimal ASCII
1B 57 31 27 87 49 ESC W 1
Graphics Commands
These commands control graphics printing. The commands are listed in
numerical order of their hexadecimal codes. You can create a graphic image
using a graphics software program or by doing the encoding yourself.
Format of the Data Stream for Graphics
The graphics sequences recognized by the IPI Proprinter emulation have the
following format:
1b GG n1 n2 d1 d2 d3 . . . d(n2*256)+n1
1b GG introduces the graphics sequence.
GG can be either 4B, 4C, 59, or 5A.
n1 and n2 are values between 0 and 255.
The total number of data bytes, di, which follow n1 and n2 is given by
the formula, n1+(256*n2).
The data bytes, di, are in sequence based upon the order of their printing from
left to right. d1 is the leftmost byte in the graphics image and d(n2*256)+n1 is
the rightmost byte. Both single density printing and double density printing are
available. In single density printing, after data byte di is printed, a byte of zero
bits is printed, and then byte d(I+1) is printed. In double density printing, no
zero byte is inserted by the printer.