Flash Download Commands
10–10 3255 4073–002
Erase Selected Sector
Erases the sector that was selected previously.
The printer transmits ACK if the sector is erased successfully, NAK if no sector
was selected previously.
Hexadecimal Decimal ASCII
1D 10 nn 29 16 nn GS DLE nn
Download Sector
Contains a start address (ah*256 + al) and count (ch*256 + cl) of binary bytes to
load into the selected sector, followed by that many data bytes. The start
address is relative to the start of the sector.
Hexadecimal Decimal ASCII
1D 11 al ah cl ch d1 . . . dn 29 17 al ah cl ch d1 . . . dn GS DC1 al ah cl ch d1 . . . dn
Value of n (for number of data bytes) Range of Address (al ah) Range of Count (cl ch)
((ch * 256) + cl) 2000-FFFF (hexadecimal) 0001-0400 (hexadecimal)
al = low byte of the address (it is sent before the high byte)
• ah = high byte of the address (it is sent after the low byte)
• cl = low byte of the count (it is sent before the high byte)
• ch = high byte of the count (it is sent after the low byte)
• d = data bytes, from 1 to n
The printer may return one of the following responses:
• ACK means that the data was written correctly and the host should transmit
the next block.
• NAK means that the data was not written correctly, either because
communication failed or because the write to flash failed. The alternatives
are to retry the block or halt loading and assume a hardware failure.