
Flash Download Commands
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Read EEROM switches
Returns the settings of the EEROM switches. This command is used to verify
that the EEROM switches are set correctly. The command assumes that the
printer flash program memory (sectors 0, 1) have been correctly programmed. If
these sectors have been erased, the printer returns NAK. The printer returns
ACK, followed by switch data. The data is returned in the following form:
ACK, d1, d2, d3, d4
Hexadecimal Decimal ASCII
1D 0B 29 11 GS VT
Not all switch packs may apply to a specific emulation. However, the printer
always returns data equivalent to four switch packs. Each switch pack is
considered to have eight switches and the correspondence between the data
bits (di) and switches is as follows:
di (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) Bit Internal Switch Pack
di 0 Switch 1
di 1 Switch 2
di 2 Switch 3
di 3 Switch 4
di 4 Switch 5
di 5 Switch 6
di 6 Switch 7
di 7 Switch 8