
EFP9800 ESC/POS Commands
3255 4073 002 645
Transmit Peripheral Device Status
Transmits the status of drawer connector pin 3.
Hexadecimal Decimal ASCII Value of n
1B 75 n 27 117 n ESC u n 0, 48 = Drawer connector pin 3
Bit Function 0 1
0 Pin Level 3 Low High
1-3 Undefined
4 Not Used Always 0
5-6 Undefined
7 Not Used Always 0
Note: When the connector is not used, bit 0 = 1.
When DTR/DSR control is selected, the printer confirms that the host computer
is ready to receive data (DSR signal is SPACE) and then transmits only one
byte. If the host computer is not ready to receive data (DSR signal is MARK),
the printer waits until the host computer is ready.
When XON/XOFF control is selected, the printer transmits only 1 byte before
checking the DSR signal.
Because status is transmitted when this command is buffered, there may be a
lag between command reception and status transmission, depending on the
receive buffer state.
Note: When the Enable/Disable Automatic Status Back (ASB) command (1D
61) is enabled, the status transmitted by ASB and by this command
must be distinguished.
The command is ignored if n is out of range.